Today is Monday the first of March. The first day of March, the first day of Autumn and the first real day of University for me. I had all three of my lectures today. Political studies from 10-11, Japanese from 11-1 and Social/Public Policy from 3-4.
I decided to walk to the University this morning, just because I wanted to. It was a pleasant walk, despite the wind. The Political Studies lecture was pretty intimidating to be honest. Mainly because there were just so many people in one of those huuuuuge lecture theatres. As with my other lectures today, it was mainly an introduction of the course and of the lecturers. They gave us recommendations of things we could check out to broaden our knowledge such as radio shows, TV shows and newspaper columns. They also told us when we could go to parliament and things like that which made me happy to be so conveniently located. The course consists of two assignments each worth 25% and and exam worth 50%.
My second lecture was Japanese. And let me tell you, one two hour lecture is very, very long. Because it's Japanese, I might be OK though. My Japanese class was much smaller, as expected and there were a few second year students who had done the introductory course last year. The first half was just an introduction and we were again informed of assignments and whatnot. Japanese has no exam and is broken up into a few larger assignments and some smaller tests. There are weekly vocab tests worth one per cent each, for example. In the second half of Japanese, we went to the Language Learning Centre which is just as the name implies. There are heaps of resources for learning different languages and computers are equipped with software that makes speaking and pronunciation practice possible. There's even a place where you can borrow and watch foreign films in the language of your choice!
I had lunch with Ryan because he's in my Japanese class and he had a lecture later that afternoon too. We had a look at the textbooks as well. The Japanese ones are fairly big and expensive, as are the Political Studies ones. For Public Policy there are only recommended texts and then a booklet of readings. So I'm not sure if I'll actually buy any yet.
My last lecture was Social Policy and it was actually very interesting. The lecture theatre was a bit smaller which means of course, there were less people. But it was very enjoyable-discussions and basic things like that.
It's still early days and I'm not one hundred per cent sure of what to expect for the rest of the semester, but hopefully it'll be enjoyable as well as a challenge. I've signed up for two tutorials and it seems my Mondays Tuesdays and Wednesdays will be fairly full on and Thursdays and Fridays will be relatively empty.
The main thing that strikes me as different about University is actually Just how many people there are! The campus is so big and just all over the show (but I stuck to the routes I knew today-may have meant a bit more walking but I didn't get lost!) I didn't realise until today that there were so many lecture theatres across the road! And there are people EVERYWHERE. But everyone is friendly and I see people I know every now and then.
But yeah, going really well so far. :)
Hope you guys are all fine and dandy!
Looking foward to seeing dad on Thursday!
Lots of Love, Erin
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
End of O-week
Well, all the orientation type activities are finally over. And I say finally because I was beginning to feel unable to continue because my feet and legs are always always sore. Nevertheless, I've been having a good time and have found it hard to find a few minutes to just sit down and tell you guys about my week. But now it's Sunday morning and I can't really remember a thing I did...
Wednesday was my first day off and I think I used to hang out with ryan. We found a really cool sushi shop called QQ sushi (I think). It was kind of like a subways sushi shop-you got to chose a type of rice and then two meats and three salads. Either that or you could go for one of the pre-chosen ones off the menu. It was very exciting and quite tasty too. I convinced Ryan to get the seafood one with me. It was a fairly relaxed day.
Thursday was the day mum came to visit. So I don't really need to tell you about that. If you want to know, I'll pass the task on to mum. Although she's probably already told you all the exciting stuff. BUT, on Thursday night we went on a cruise. The boat was fairly small and when I saw it I was a bit worried for my stomach but I sat on the top and it wasn't very rocky so I was able to enjoy the cruise. We went all the way around Somes Island and back. It was sunset as we left, but unfortunately not the most spectacular one.

Friday was supposed to be sports day but me and three other girls (Bex from my apartment, Sabrina from the 6the floor and Claire opposite ours and also from Palmy) went to Lower Hutt. At first, we were going to catch a bus. But being opposed to buses I suggested catching the train so we went to have a look and lucky us, all trains were free on Friday! So we asked a kind fellow which train we should catch and headed off to Lower Hutt. We went shopping there of course. In the gigantic shopping mall which I think is called Queensgate. You'll know what i'm talking about. And we bought some frying pans there too mum! So now we're all set.
On the Friday night there was a circus themed party for all the first year hall students. Having nothing circus themed to wear, after returning home we went to have a look in supre for bargains. I found a metallic silver dress which I thought suited the occasion quite well. The party itself wasn't that great but oh well. It was one way to spend a Friday night. Here is a photo:
That's me, Vanessa, Bex and Sabrina.
Saturday was also a free day. I went out and had lunch with Ryan and his parents and then we just hung out and explored a bit. And mum, I went to Shed 11 to see the portraits but Aunty Lindsay's one wasn't there...? You did tell me there'd be one of hers there, right? It was cool nevertheless. Although Ryan wasn't too impressed with the winning portrait. But he prefers realistic art to abstract stuff.

From tomorrow I'm starting all my lectures and whatnot. Wish me luck!
Love Erin
Wednesday was my first day off and I think I used to hang out with ryan. We found a really cool sushi shop called QQ sushi (I think). It was kind of like a subways sushi shop-you got to chose a type of rice and then two meats and three salads. Either that or you could go for one of the pre-chosen ones off the menu. It was very exciting and quite tasty too. I convinced Ryan to get the seafood one with me. It was a fairly relaxed day.
Thursday was the day mum came to visit. So I don't really need to tell you about that. If you want to know, I'll pass the task on to mum. Although she's probably already told you all the exciting stuff. BUT, on Thursday night we went on a cruise. The boat was fairly small and when I saw it I was a bit worried for my stomach but I sat on the top and it wasn't very rocky so I was able to enjoy the cruise. We went all the way around Somes Island and back. It was sunset as we left, but unfortunately not the most spectacular one.
Friday was supposed to be sports day but me and three other girls (Bex from my apartment, Sabrina from the 6the floor and Claire opposite ours and also from Palmy) went to Lower Hutt. At first, we were going to catch a bus. But being opposed to buses I suggested catching the train so we went to have a look and lucky us, all trains were free on Friday! So we asked a kind fellow which train we should catch and headed off to Lower Hutt. We went shopping there of course. In the gigantic shopping mall which I think is called Queensgate. You'll know what i'm talking about. And we bought some frying pans there too mum! So now we're all set.
On the Friday night there was a circus themed party for all the first year hall students. Having nothing circus themed to wear, after returning home we went to have a look in supre for bargains. I found a metallic silver dress which I thought suited the occasion quite well. The party itself wasn't that great but oh well. It was one way to spend a Friday night. Here is a photo:
Saturday was also a free day. I went out and had lunch with Ryan and his parents and then we just hung out and explored a bit. And mum, I went to Shed 11 to see the portraits but Aunty Lindsay's one wasn't there...? You did tell me there'd be one of hers there, right? It was cool nevertheless. Although Ryan wasn't too impressed with the winning portrait. But he prefers realistic art to abstract stuff.
From tomorrow I'm starting all my lectures and whatnot. Wish me luck!
Love Erin
Monday, February 22, 2010
Hey guys! Everything is going well here. Very tired as the RAs have planned lots of things for us to do. Yesterday we all walked to Civic square at around midday for a welcome to Wellington. Each hostel went in their respective groups and throughout the thin g everyone had to do a chant. Kind of like back in high school for the athletics days and whatnot. Our chant was to the Avril Lavigne song, I think it might be called boyfriend? Claire may know what song i'm referring to ^^ Anyway, it wasn't that good because we have so few first years and also because one hostel had done theirs to the same song. The words were a bit different of course, but they booed us a bit... x)
As for the rest of the welcoming, it was fairly interesting. We had a really charismatic guy hosting the whole thing although i'm not sure who he was.... Then there were speeches from the mayor, the vice chancellor and the head of VUWSA. At the end there was an air guitar competition which was very entertaining. Most of the participants were boys but there was one girl too!
After that, we had the afternoon to do as we wished. I walked and met Maja at the end of Cuba street and she showed me her hostel. It's quite similar to mine but layed out a little differently. She has a really nice view though! I was a bit jealous of that. Ryan tells me his view is really nice too but I haven't seen his room yet. He also informs me that it's really small... xDD
Then yesterday night we had a quiz night. At first there were a few icebreaker games and then we were split randomly into nine or so groups. Our group was called 'Ice Ship' after the German book we were handed to lean on. The first round was about Stafford house, the second about Victoria University and the third was just general knowledge. After the first two rounds we were coming third equal but by some miracle we scored 8 on the general knowledge (some others only scored 2) and we were boosted to first place! our prize was a whole stack of subway cookies. Which I was pretty happy with.
Today was much more hardcore. First we walked up to the university for two lecture things just about starting university and studying and alcohol etc. The second lecture was really cool because the guy taking it was very charismatic. And a very good actor. Then we walked back (it is a fairly tough walk up that hill btw... ) and had lunch and from 1pm there was an amazing race. Which involved a lot of running all over Wellington. First we had to go to the Botanical (?) gardens. So we took the cable car and realised that we actually needed to be all the way down the bottom... So we ran down the hill and then had to run right back up it to get to the university library! Afterwards, we went back down the cable car and to Cuba Street where I had to stand in the colourful fountain thing (the one outside farmers (?) with the buckets). Then we ran to the war memorial, then to the backpackers, then oriental bay and finally to te papa. But not really finally because then we had to run back to stafford. The first three groups get prizes and we came fourth in the end. But it was a pretty intense two and a half hours.
I'm fairly tired now. We've got the prizegiving for that at 7. So fairly soon. I think i'll get a good nights sleep tonight....
Despite a whole lot of running and walking and exercise in general, I've been having a really good time! Still kind of looking foward to lectures starting because at the moment, three papers doesn't seem like it'll be that much work.
I hope Claire had a good birthday! Special shout out to you claire!! :)
Don't stay up playing guitar hero all night now....
Love Erin
As for the rest of the welcoming, it was fairly interesting. We had a really charismatic guy hosting the whole thing although i'm not sure who he was.... Then there were speeches from the mayor, the vice chancellor and the head of VUWSA. At the end there was an air guitar competition which was very entertaining. Most of the participants were boys but there was one girl too!
After that, we had the afternoon to do as we wished. I walked and met Maja at the end of Cuba street and she showed me her hostel. It's quite similar to mine but layed out a little differently. She has a really nice view though! I was a bit jealous of that. Ryan tells me his view is really nice too but I haven't seen his room yet. He also informs me that it's really small... xDD
Then yesterday night we had a quiz night. At first there were a few icebreaker games and then we were split randomly into nine or so groups. Our group was called 'Ice Ship' after the German book we were handed to lean on. The first round was about Stafford house, the second about Victoria University and the third was just general knowledge. After the first two rounds we were coming third equal but by some miracle we scored 8 on the general knowledge (some others only scored 2) and we were boosted to first place! our prize was a whole stack of subway cookies. Which I was pretty happy with.
Today was much more hardcore. First we walked up to the university for two lecture things just about starting university and studying and alcohol etc. The second lecture was really cool because the guy taking it was very charismatic. And a very good actor. Then we walked back (it is a fairly tough walk up that hill btw... ) and had lunch and from 1pm there was an amazing race. Which involved a lot of running all over Wellington. First we had to go to the Botanical (?) gardens. So we took the cable car and realised that we actually needed to be all the way down the bottom... So we ran down the hill and then had to run right back up it to get to the university library! Afterwards, we went back down the cable car and to Cuba Street where I had to stand in the colourful fountain thing (the one outside farmers (?) with the buckets). Then we ran to the war memorial, then to the backpackers, then oriental bay and finally to te papa. But not really finally because then we had to run back to stafford. The first three groups get prizes and we came fourth in the end. But it was a pretty intense two and a half hours.
I'm fairly tired now. We've got the prizegiving for that at 7. So fairly soon. I think i'll get a good nights sleep tonight....
Despite a whole lot of running and walking and exercise in general, I've been having a really good time! Still kind of looking foward to lectures starting because at the moment, three papers doesn't seem like it'll be that much work.
I hope Claire had a good birthday! Special shout out to you claire!! :)
Don't stay up playing guitar hero all night now....
Love Erin
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Moving in
I moved in to my Stafford house yesterday. So far I've got a good impression of the place, it seems really nice and so do all the people. My room's on the second floor and my two flatmates are Bex and Vanessa. Bex is studying Biomedial science and Vanessa is doing a BA like me.
When we got here yesterday, we were informed that our apartment was a little messy. Someone had been staying here previously and they didn't clean it up properly. The extent of the mess was pretty much just that the bench needed a wipe down in the kitchen, the bathroom had a few hairs here and there and Vanessa's bedroom was a little messy. The cleaners just left and it's looking a bit better now. So I can finally go and put my food items away. But due to the mess, Vanessa hasn't actually moved in yet but she's coming today.
My room is bigger than I had expected it to be. There's a fairly big desk, bed, wardrobe and bedside table. My main concern however, is the lack of storage space. But I'll make it work.
Last night was the welcome BBQ for first years. The first years are mainly on the first and second floors and compared to other hostels, there aren't many of us. Only 48. The rest of the residents are a big range of people who I haven't met but apparently there are a great many international students. We got to know the RAs and learnt the chant for our hostel because there's a competition at the welcome in Civic Square tomorrow. I'm not quite sure how our small group will fare because the other hostels have 200 upwards first years...
After the BBQ I went with Bex and another girl on the second floor-Melanie-to get coffee and just go for a bit of a walk. Stafford isn't that far away from things really. Maybe just 5-10 minute walk. Although walking back involves a fair few stairs. I'll be super fit in no time.
It's a little scary to be here all on my own. But I know i'm not really all on my own and everyone else (the first years anyway) are in the same situation as I am. But i'm really looking foward to getting to know more people and exploring Wellington a bit more. Because so far, the streets seem very confusing... I'm sure to get lost! There was a map in my pack of free stuff though, so that might help.
And my apartment actually has its own phone number too! I'll write it down at some point. I won't be able to ring anyone without a phone card, but feel free to ring me of course!
Totally looking foward to when you come to stay Alice and Claire! :)
Lots of love,

When we got here yesterday, we were informed that our apartment was a little messy. Someone had been staying here previously and they didn't clean it up properly. The extent of the mess was pretty much just that the bench needed a wipe down in the kitchen, the bathroom had a few hairs here and there and Vanessa's bedroom was a little messy. The cleaners just left and it's looking a bit better now. So I can finally go and put my food items away. But due to the mess, Vanessa hasn't actually moved in yet but she's coming today.
My room is bigger than I had expected it to be. There's a fairly big desk, bed, wardrobe and bedside table. My main concern however, is the lack of storage space. But I'll make it work.
Last night was the welcome BBQ for first years. The first years are mainly on the first and second floors and compared to other hostels, there aren't many of us. Only 48. The rest of the residents are a big range of people who I haven't met but apparently there are a great many international students. We got to know the RAs and learnt the chant for our hostel because there's a competition at the welcome in Civic Square tomorrow. I'm not quite sure how our small group will fare because the other hostels have 200 upwards first years...
After the BBQ I went with Bex and another girl on the second floor-Melanie-to get coffee and just go for a bit of a walk. Stafford isn't that far away from things really. Maybe just 5-10 minute walk. Although walking back involves a fair few stairs. I'll be super fit in no time.
It's a little scary to be here all on my own. But I know i'm not really all on my own and everyone else (the first years anyway) are in the same situation as I am. But i'm really looking foward to getting to know more people and exploring Wellington a bit more. Because so far, the streets seem very confusing... I'm sure to get lost! There was a map in my pack of free stuff though, so that might help.
And my apartment actually has its own phone number too! I'll write it down at some point. I won't be able to ring anyone without a phone card, but feel free to ring me of course!
Totally looking foward to when you come to stay Alice and Claire! :)
Lots of love,
My Blog :)
This blog is mainly for the use of my dear family to keep them updated on my happenings in the wide world. Hi family! I'm not sure yet as to how much I'll use it, but it seems like a good idea so far. Instead of sending you all emails you can just come and check here. I can put pictures and stuff on too :) So keep this link in your favourites, ok? And check back!
Love you guys!
Love you guys!
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