Here is my timetable:
POLS 10.00-10.50am
JAPA 1.10-3.00pm
SPOL 3.10-4.00pm
POLS 10.00-10.50am
SPOL 3.10-4.00pm
POLS tutorial 2.10-3.00pm
SPOL 3.10-4.00pm
SPOL tutorial 4.10-5.00pm
JAPA 10.00-11.50om
POLS 10.00-10.50am
JAPA tutorial 1.10-2.00pm
So that's my timetable for the first semester. As you can see it is a bit more spread out than it previously was which I think is good in general.
Love Erin
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Orange food
So I went on a bit of a cooking frenzy today. Made carrot fritters with my excess carrot and then I tried to use the pumpkin I bought. There seems to be a bit of an orange theme going on!
Carrot fritters: (they look more orange in real life)

So I had bought a kg of pumpkin for a dollar and then I realised I had no idea what to do with it. First mission was cutting the sucker up. Once I clove it in twain I managed to jab the knife in and kind of lever it into smaller pieces. First I cooked it in the microwave in some water. Then I chucked in a frying pan with a sauce made of brown sugar and soy sauce (and some flour to thicken it). Then I got really creative (although some may call it crazy) and ended making an interesting concoction. I've had a pumpkin and chickpea salad before so I knew the two worked together. The final creation was as follows: Rice, pumpkin, chickpeas and a can of tomato and basil flavoured tuna (or something like that). It was very tasty. And now I have enough to feed an army...

Haha, and that's all my cooking for today.
Love Erin
Carrot fritters: (they look more orange in real life)
So I had bought a kg of pumpkin for a dollar and then I realised I had no idea what to do with it. First mission was cutting the sucker up. Once I clove it in twain I managed to jab the knife in and kind of lever it into smaller pieces. First I cooked it in the microwave in some water. Then I chucked in a frying pan with a sauce made of brown sugar and soy sauce (and some flour to thicken it). Then I got really creative (although some may call it crazy) and ended making an interesting concoction. I've had a pumpkin and chickpea salad before so I knew the two worked together. The final creation was as follows: Rice, pumpkin, chickpeas and a can of tomato and basil flavoured tuna (or something like that). It was very tasty. And now I have enough to feed an army...
Haha, and that's all my cooking for today.
Love Erin
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Hello my furry friends.
Uni is going well but I'm greatly looking forward to a break. As I was discussing with a fellow Stafford resident as we walked up to Vic this afternoon, we've only been at uni for a few weeks but it already feels like we've been here for ages! Which I guess is a good thing since it indicates that we've settled in. But then I realised that that following immediately after these holidays I have 3 assignments due in. So that kind of sunk my ship... Oh well, no one ever said this would be easy!
Nothing much out of the ordinary has been happening these past few days. Life has settled into a routine. Walk up to uni. Lectures/tutorials. Walk back. Study. Maybe squeeze a bit of work in there too. This weekend Ryan's parents came down from Palmy and I went out to lunch with them which was nice. We went to a place in Lower Hutt which was really cool. It had an American diner kind of feel-bright colours, pictures of Elvis, weird dancing puppet machines etc. I got a bagel with peanut butter, jam, cream cheese and fried banana which you should all know is right up my alley. Backtracking, I also had work on Saturday which was rather horrible. Being Saturday, we had some stealing problems so when I went onto the front I had to check people's bags. It was all fine and dandy until a lady had a go at me. Which was rather unsettling. There had been a little 13 year old boy who was trespassed earlier that day and him and a bunch of his friends hung around the store for about four hours and then started harassing Sam-the person in charge (she kind of provoked it though tbh). So by the end of the night there were only three of us left working and we were keeping an eye out on the front cos they were still hanging around. Then about 20 minutes before closing I was at the front tidying up a rack. The next thing I know, Sam was all, "Erin?! Did you not see that?!?!" My back had been turned so I hadn't seen the group of boys run up to the front table, grab a handful of things and then leave. She had a right to snap at me-it's her job on the line after all-but I'm a little sick of their double standards. First they tell you to rack up as quickly as possible but then they say to stay at the front greet everyone etc. Either we need more staff or they are expecting too much of us because some days this is impossible (especially Saturday/Sunday). If I greet everyone that comes in, I might not be able to rack up well and I'll get nagged to go faster and if I focus on racking up and only greet a few people, I'll be told off. Anyway, Sam was very unsettled after this, and I couldn't tell whether or not she was really mad at me or it was just because of the moment. Work isn't all that bad. It's just really stressful when it's busy. But while I'm on the topic: When I started I had to hand in an availability form which is fair enough, I thought it'd just be used to make the rosters and whatnot. But apparently if they need someone to work in a time we've written as available and call us, we HAVE to work. Even if they only call us that morning. Which I think is completely unreasonable. But that's probably just because I've written on my form ALL the times I'm available. Tomorrow I'll change that.
So there is my rant about work ^^
Other than that, being a money deprived student I always aim to get a bargain when it comes to supermarket shopping. I bought a bag of carrots for a dollar. A few days later I was kind of at a loss as to how to use so many carrots at once. Sifting through my recipes I found a carrot fritter recipe. Perfect. Uses many carrots at once and freezer worthy so I don't have to eat them all at once. Even better was that I had all the ingredients required!
Here's the recipe if anyone ever had an excess of carrots and no other way to use them. I thought they were quite tasty but I quite like carrots.
Carrot Fritters
Makes 12
3 large carrots, peeled, trimmed, coarsely grated
1 large potato, peeled, coarsely grated
1 cup plain flour
1/2 cup milk
1 egg
1/3 cup fresh coriander leaves, chopped (Although I just used dried because like I'd have something fancy like this :P)
olive oil, for shallow frying
1. Using your hands, squeeze excess moisture from carrot and potato. Place grated carrot and potato in a bowl. Stir to combine.
2. Sift flour in a bowl. Season with salt and pepper. Using a fork, whisk milk and egg in a jug until combined. Pour over flour. Stir until smooth. Add carrot mixture and coriander. Stir well until combined.
3. Pour enough oil in a large, non stick frying pan to cover the base. Heat over medium heat until hot. Using 1/4 cup of mixture per fritter, cook fritters, in batches, for 3 to 4 minutes on each side or until golden and cooked through. Remove to a wire rack over a baking tray lined with a paper towel to drain.
Easy peasy :) And from the August '07 issue of Super Food Ideas ^^
Now I've got to find something to do with the pumpkin I bought so I can have it for tea tonight...
Love Erin.
Uni is going well but I'm greatly looking forward to a break. As I was discussing with a fellow Stafford resident as we walked up to Vic this afternoon, we've only been at uni for a few weeks but it already feels like we've been here for ages! Which I guess is a good thing since it indicates that we've settled in. But then I realised that that following immediately after these holidays I have 3 assignments due in. So that kind of sunk my ship... Oh well, no one ever said this would be easy!
Nothing much out of the ordinary has been happening these past few days. Life has settled into a routine. Walk up to uni. Lectures/tutorials. Walk back. Study. Maybe squeeze a bit of work in there too. This weekend Ryan's parents came down from Palmy and I went out to lunch with them which was nice. We went to a place in Lower Hutt which was really cool. It had an American diner kind of feel-bright colours, pictures of Elvis, weird dancing puppet machines etc. I got a bagel with peanut butter, jam, cream cheese and fried banana which you should all know is right up my alley. Backtracking, I also had work on Saturday which was rather horrible. Being Saturday, we had some stealing problems so when I went onto the front I had to check people's bags. It was all fine and dandy until a lady had a go at me. Which was rather unsettling. There had been a little 13 year old boy who was trespassed earlier that day and him and a bunch of his friends hung around the store for about four hours and then started harassing Sam-the person in charge (she kind of provoked it though tbh). So by the end of the night there were only three of us left working and we were keeping an eye out on the front cos they were still hanging around. Then about 20 minutes before closing I was at the front tidying up a rack. The next thing I know, Sam was all, "Erin?! Did you not see that?!?!" My back had been turned so I hadn't seen the group of boys run up to the front table, grab a handful of things and then leave. She had a right to snap at me-it's her job on the line after all-but I'm a little sick of their double standards. First they tell you to rack up as quickly as possible but then they say to stay at the front greet everyone etc. Either we need more staff or they are expecting too much of us because some days this is impossible (especially Saturday/Sunday). If I greet everyone that comes in, I might not be able to rack up well and I'll get nagged to go faster and if I focus on racking up and only greet a few people, I'll be told off. Anyway, Sam was very unsettled after this, and I couldn't tell whether or not she was really mad at me or it was just because of the moment. Work isn't all that bad. It's just really stressful when it's busy. But while I'm on the topic: When I started I had to hand in an availability form which is fair enough, I thought it'd just be used to make the rosters and whatnot. But apparently if they need someone to work in a time we've written as available and call us, we HAVE to work. Even if they only call us that morning. Which I think is completely unreasonable. But that's probably just because I've written on my form ALL the times I'm available. Tomorrow I'll change that.
So there is my rant about work ^^
Other than that, being a money deprived student I always aim to get a bargain when it comes to supermarket shopping. I bought a bag of carrots for a dollar. A few days later I was kind of at a loss as to how to use so many carrots at once. Sifting through my recipes I found a carrot fritter recipe. Perfect. Uses many carrots at once and freezer worthy so I don't have to eat them all at once. Even better was that I had all the ingredients required!
Here's the recipe if anyone ever had an excess of carrots and no other way to use them. I thought they were quite tasty but I quite like carrots.
Carrot Fritters
Makes 12
3 large carrots, peeled, trimmed, coarsely grated
1 large potato, peeled, coarsely grated
1 cup plain flour
1/2 cup milk
1 egg
1/3 cup fresh coriander leaves, chopped (Although I just used dried because like I'd have something fancy like this :P)
olive oil, for shallow frying
1. Using your hands, squeeze excess moisture from carrot and potato. Place grated carrot and potato in a bowl. Stir to combine.
2. Sift flour in a bowl. Season with salt and pepper. Using a fork, whisk milk and egg in a jug until combined. Pour over flour. Stir until smooth. Add carrot mixture and coriander. Stir well until combined.
3. Pour enough oil in a large, non stick frying pan to cover the base. Heat over medium heat until hot. Using 1/4 cup of mixture per fritter, cook fritters, in batches, for 3 to 4 minutes on each side or until golden and cooked through. Remove to a wire rack over a baking tray lined with a paper towel to drain.
Easy peasy :) And from the August '07 issue of Super Food Ideas ^^
Now I've got to find something to do with the pumpkin I bought so I can have it for tea tonight...
Love Erin.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
To the weekend and beyond!
Hey guys!
Really enjoyed my visit back to Palmy, even if it was just a short one. Joseph was very cool-I'm glad I decided to go and see it in the end. Although waking up early on the Friday was pretty tiring to be honest...
On Friday I went to my lecture (POLS-the green party people came to talk to us) and then Ryan and I went and talked to the dude at the head of the Japanese programme about changing papers. He basically said it was fine but the actual process involved a lot of going backwards and forwards. We got there in the end though. I had my first lecture this afternoon. I was a bit nervous because both Ryan and Stephanie (who moved up with me) were in the morning lecture so I was all by myself. It was good though. I actually felt like I was learning something rather than being bored out of my mind. I'm not sure what kind of skill level my peers are at. It seems a few of them went on exchanges. The girl sitting next to me was third year but I don't know about the rest. It'll definately be a lot harder-that's for sure. I'll probably actually have to do some studying now!
The weekend was thoroughly intense. Originally I was only working on the Saturday-12 til 8:30. But they were looking for someone to work Sunday too. And I have a bad habit of saying yes when I really shouldn't... So I worked on Sunday too-9:30 til 6:30. Saturday was alright. It was fairly busy but there were a few of us on. Let me tell you-there are some dodgy people hanging around Manners mall on a Saturday afternoon.... I'm pretty sure a group of boys who kept coming in must have been stealing things.... Sunday was really really busy-mainly because we didn't really have enough staff. Our wage percentage was only 6% and it's supposed to be around 13% normally. I was preparing to get there at nine thirty, but when nine rolled around I got a call saying I was supposed to be there. This was a bit upsetting because I was so sure the roster had said half past! So I pretty much ran all the way there. Then I got there and she said that she called the person who told the time to me and she said she did say 9:30. T_T Oh well. I got paid from nine...
So that's been my past few days. Good times.
Love Erin :)
Really enjoyed my visit back to Palmy, even if it was just a short one. Joseph was very cool-I'm glad I decided to go and see it in the end. Although waking up early on the Friday was pretty tiring to be honest...
On Friday I went to my lecture (POLS-the green party people came to talk to us) and then Ryan and I went and talked to the dude at the head of the Japanese programme about changing papers. He basically said it was fine but the actual process involved a lot of going backwards and forwards. We got there in the end though. I had my first lecture this afternoon. I was a bit nervous because both Ryan and Stephanie (who moved up with me) were in the morning lecture so I was all by myself. It was good though. I actually felt like I was learning something rather than being bored out of my mind. I'm not sure what kind of skill level my peers are at. It seems a few of them went on exchanges. The girl sitting next to me was third year but I don't know about the rest. It'll definately be a lot harder-that's for sure. I'll probably actually have to do some studying now!
The weekend was thoroughly intense. Originally I was only working on the Saturday-12 til 8:30. But they were looking for someone to work Sunday too. And I have a bad habit of saying yes when I really shouldn't... So I worked on Sunday too-9:30 til 6:30. Saturday was alright. It was fairly busy but there were a few of us on. Let me tell you-there are some dodgy people hanging around Manners mall on a Saturday afternoon.... I'm pretty sure a group of boys who kept coming in must have been stealing things.... Sunday was really really busy-mainly because we didn't really have enough staff. Our wage percentage was only 6% and it's supposed to be around 13% normally. I was preparing to get there at nine thirty, but when nine rolled around I got a call saying I was supposed to be there. This was a bit upsetting because I was so sure the roster had said half past! So I pretty much ran all the way there. Then I got there and she said that she called the person who told the time to me and she said she did say 9:30. T_T Oh well. I got paid from nine...
So that's been my past few days. Good times.
Love Erin :)
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
I had an enjoyable weekend with the company of grandma and grandad. But first of all, here is a picture of my room. Because I put my paintings and posters up and now it's very beautiful. Better than having dull grey walls anyway...

So the weekend was pretty good. I don't really recall what it was that I did on Saturday... I do remember feeling thoroughly lazy and spending much of the day watching anime in bed though. I studied a bit but not much because I couldn't concentrate. I went to see Alice in Wonderland though with Ryan. Coolest movie ever. I liked it (obviously). We had crepes at a yummy crepe shop which is just opposite cotton on. You can choose between a wide selection of sweet and savoury crepes. The sweet flavours include the traditional lemon and sugar as well as nutella, banana and chocolate, caramello (which Ryan had) and chestnut cream (which I had). The savoury flavours include the likes of sundried tomato, cream cheese and mushrooms (which we tried the next day).
Sunday was fairly bustling. Went to the Te Papa vege market and got some vegetables. Then since the weather was nice Ryan and I went on a picnic mission to the botanical gardens. After some intense exploration, my conclusion is that it is like a huuuuuuuge esplanade. With hills. Because nothing is complete in wellington without hills. Even parliament has hills (or at least it isn't flat...). Here are some shots of the gardens. The ukelele orchestra were playing a concert (I assume that's who it was) inside too.

Anyway, after that, Ryan and I met Grandma and Grandad. We had drinks at a cafe beside the rose gardens where I enjoyed a thoroughly delicious iced coffee. Then we went on various adventures around wellington together. It was very fun :)
Later on I did a spot of shopping and almost died taking it back to mine. Shopping bags are heavy. Especially those containing milk.... Interesting to walk through parliament at around 6 though, I happened to see a camera man and reporter; presumably preparing for a news item.
Then yesterday was back to uni. I made a start on one of my assignments too: due next wednesday. There is a fellow social policy student (Aidan) who suggested we work on it together and it was good to have the company.
Today in my POLS lecture Peter Dunne came in to talk to us. Mainly just about the things he believed in which obviously reflected his position in United Future. But it was very interesting. Also to hear the questions people asked and the responses he gave. On Friday the Green party leaders are coming in to talk to us. I'm unsure as to how such talks will help out in our essays and exams to be honest. But I suppose they give us valuable insight.
Today I had work as well. It wasn't so bad this week. Now that I know the shop and the people in it a bit better. I was considering quitting but I think i'll stay. It is convenient after all. But I might just end up spending lots of money on clothes and shoes. There are lots of pretty things in the shop and I do need to buy some more things so that I have some recent parts of the shop to wear for work....
Love Erin
I had an enjoyable weekend with the company of grandma and grandad. But first of all, here is a picture of my room. Because I put my paintings and posters up and now it's very beautiful. Better than having dull grey walls anyway...
So the weekend was pretty good. I don't really recall what it was that I did on Saturday... I do remember feeling thoroughly lazy and spending much of the day watching anime in bed though. I studied a bit but not much because I couldn't concentrate. I went to see Alice in Wonderland though with Ryan. Coolest movie ever. I liked it (obviously). We had crepes at a yummy crepe shop which is just opposite cotton on. You can choose between a wide selection of sweet and savoury crepes. The sweet flavours include the traditional lemon and sugar as well as nutella, banana and chocolate, caramello (which Ryan had) and chestnut cream (which I had). The savoury flavours include the likes of sundried tomato, cream cheese and mushrooms (which we tried the next day).
Sunday was fairly bustling. Went to the Te Papa vege market and got some vegetables. Then since the weather was nice Ryan and I went on a picnic mission to the botanical gardens. After some intense exploration, my conclusion is that it is like a huuuuuuuge esplanade. With hills. Because nothing is complete in wellington without hills. Even parliament has hills (or at least it isn't flat...). Here are some shots of the gardens. The ukelele orchestra were playing a concert (I assume that's who it was) inside too.
Anyway, after that, Ryan and I met Grandma and Grandad. We had drinks at a cafe beside the rose gardens where I enjoyed a thoroughly delicious iced coffee. Then we went on various adventures around wellington together. It was very fun :)
Later on I did a spot of shopping and almost died taking it back to mine. Shopping bags are heavy. Especially those containing milk.... Interesting to walk through parliament at around 6 though, I happened to see a camera man and reporter; presumably preparing for a news item.
Then yesterday was back to uni. I made a start on one of my assignments too: due next wednesday. There is a fellow social policy student (Aidan) who suggested we work on it together and it was good to have the company.
Today in my POLS lecture Peter Dunne came in to talk to us. Mainly just about the things he believed in which obviously reflected his position in United Future. But it was very interesting. Also to hear the questions people asked and the responses he gave. On Friday the Green party leaders are coming in to talk to us. I'm unsure as to how such talks will help out in our essays and exams to be honest. But I suppose they give us valuable insight.
Today I had work as well. It wasn't so bad this week. Now that I know the shop and the people in it a bit better. I was considering quitting but I think i'll stay. It is convenient after all. But I might just end up spending lots of money on clothes and shoes. There are lots of pretty things in the shop and I do need to buy some more things so that I have some recent parts of the shop to wear for work....
Love Erin
Friday, March 12, 2010
Greetings! I hope everyone is very well~
It is the weekend again but 'weekends' here don't really have the same relevance as they did when I was at high school. My 'weekdays' are pretty much Monday Tuesday and Wednesday. Really intense weekdays at that! And then my 'weekend' period starts on Thursday since I only have one lecture on Friday. But I've been using that time to study as well.
Lectures still going well. I'm getting quite into political studies. After learning about the origins (I spose you could call it that) of politics, this week we progressed to learn a bit more about New Zealand politics. The starting point was really good because it kind of tied in with some of what I had learned last year in New Zealand History. For example we did a bit on Vogel and his schemes and on Ballance and Seddon's Liberal Government. Then Grant Roberts came in and talked to us about his job and other various aspects of political life. It was really interesting to get that kind of insight.
Social policy has been interesting as well. What's even better is the two subjects kind of have similar subject matter. For example one chapter I had to read for POLS was a recommended reading for SPOL. I killed two birds with one stone! I have a SPOL assignment due on the 24 which I'm not too worried about yet. I plan to use some of my free time this weekend to get on top of it.
Japanese is fun as well but so far it's a bit of a let down. We've just been doing things that I've already learned and it is just a little basic. I suppose it's good to go back over things and they do it a bit more thoroughly here but it's not really much of a challenge. I'm crossing my fingers that it'll get harder from here.
I haven't really been getting up that that much else lately. Climbing up and down the hill takes a lot out of you... I'm totally getting macho. My calf muscles from the hill-climbing and my arms from the shopping bag carrying. I totally got a tan as well. There is a shoe mark on my feet from it.
Here are some photos of what I've been doing:
There's a Chinese tea shop down Courtney Place which has really good cakes. Really REALLY good cakes. I've tried three from there now, sharing them with Ryan (of course :P) Green tea, Chocolate and Cookies and Cream. The one pictured below is, of course, chocolate. It being a tea shop, there is also tea there. And lots of it. A whole menu full! But having tried two of them I can't say I have a very high opinion of them. The first was green tea. But it tasted kind of like green tea, kind of not. It had a soggy cardigan flavour to it... The other flavour was lemon honey chrysanthemum. It looked really disgusting (in a transparent glass pot with little floating sponge things in it...) and tasted completely like a soggy cardigan... XDD However, Ryan did get a Mango Yogurt Energy tea. And while it looked like it had about as much yogurt in it as a hamburger, it tasted good (but just like juice really). But if you want cake, I definately recommend stopping in there!

Fish! The fish I bought at the Sunday Market. I was so proud of my creation I thought everyone ought to see. It was very, very delicious.

Last night Ryan came round and we made a feast of Okonomiyaki. I'd just like to let everyone know that it was about seven thousand million times better than the Okonomiyaki I've made for you before. It was very good. The key ingredient, I think, is the spring onions. After such a delicious dinner, we also made ourselves sundaes. Which were also very good. Yummy... :D
What else to say...? Since we're on the topic of food, on Thursday night I went to a gelato shop with a bunch of people from Stafford. It was like the gelato shop in Palmerston North but more expensive and also more delicious. One scoop was four dollars but the main factor which wins my vote is the consistency. It's not terribly hard like ice cream out of the freezer at home. It was soft like ice cream you just buy from the supermarket-in fact a little softer than that. And so very delicious.... Another must go place in Wellington!
The weather has officially turned to custard. Rain. Wind. Cold. I might need some warmer clothes soon! x)
Haha, hope everyone is doing well!
Love Erin
It is the weekend again but 'weekends' here don't really have the same relevance as they did when I was at high school. My 'weekdays' are pretty much Monday Tuesday and Wednesday. Really intense weekdays at that! And then my 'weekend' period starts on Thursday since I only have one lecture on Friday. But I've been using that time to study as well.
Lectures still going well. I'm getting quite into political studies. After learning about the origins (I spose you could call it that) of politics, this week we progressed to learn a bit more about New Zealand politics. The starting point was really good because it kind of tied in with some of what I had learned last year in New Zealand History. For example we did a bit on Vogel and his schemes and on Ballance and Seddon's Liberal Government. Then Grant Roberts came in and talked to us about his job and other various aspects of political life. It was really interesting to get that kind of insight.
Social policy has been interesting as well. What's even better is the two subjects kind of have similar subject matter. For example one chapter I had to read for POLS was a recommended reading for SPOL. I killed two birds with one stone! I have a SPOL assignment due on the 24 which I'm not too worried about yet. I plan to use some of my free time this weekend to get on top of it.
Japanese is fun as well but so far it's a bit of a let down. We've just been doing things that I've already learned and it is just a little basic. I suppose it's good to go back over things and they do it a bit more thoroughly here but it's not really much of a challenge. I'm crossing my fingers that it'll get harder from here.
I haven't really been getting up that that much else lately. Climbing up and down the hill takes a lot out of you... I'm totally getting macho. My calf muscles from the hill-climbing and my arms from the shopping bag carrying. I totally got a tan as well. There is a shoe mark on my feet from it.
Here are some photos of what I've been doing:
There's a Chinese tea shop down Courtney Place which has really good cakes. Really REALLY good cakes. I've tried three from there now, sharing them with Ryan (of course :P) Green tea, Chocolate and Cookies and Cream. The one pictured below is, of course, chocolate. It being a tea shop, there is also tea there. And lots of it. A whole menu full! But having tried two of them I can't say I have a very high opinion of them. The first was green tea. But it tasted kind of like green tea, kind of not. It had a soggy cardigan flavour to it... The other flavour was lemon honey chrysanthemum. It looked really disgusting (in a transparent glass pot with little floating sponge things in it...) and tasted completely like a soggy cardigan... XDD However, Ryan did get a Mango Yogurt Energy tea. And while it looked like it had about as much yogurt in it as a hamburger, it tasted good (but just like juice really). But if you want cake, I definately recommend stopping in there!
Fish! The fish I bought at the Sunday Market. I was so proud of my creation I thought everyone ought to see. It was very, very delicious.
Last night Ryan came round and we made a feast of Okonomiyaki. I'd just like to let everyone know that it was about seven thousand million times better than the Okonomiyaki I've made for you before. It was very good. The key ingredient, I think, is the spring onions. After such a delicious dinner, we also made ourselves sundaes. Which were also very good. Yummy... :D
What else to say...? Since we're on the topic of food, on Thursday night I went to a gelato shop with a bunch of people from Stafford. It was like the gelato shop in Palmerston North but more expensive and also more delicious. One scoop was four dollars but the main factor which wins my vote is the consistency. It's not terribly hard like ice cream out of the freezer at home. It was soft like ice cream you just buy from the supermarket-in fact a little softer than that. And so very delicious.... Another must go place in Wellington!
The weather has officially turned to custard. Rain. Wind. Cold. I might need some warmer clothes soon! x)
Haha, hope everyone is doing well!
Love Erin
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Week two
Second week of uni has begun. I have a few tutorials and whatnot starting this week. And after much resistance on my behalf, I have started studying and doing all my readings and so on. I was really not looking foward to it, but now i've started it really isn't so bad.
We went to the vege market in the weekend. There are two-one by te papa and another on willis street. I went to the Te Papa one with Vanessa. It was a decent size and mainly selling veges and fruit. I was expecting the prices to be cheaper, but they were much cheaper than I expected! For example, one kg of zucchini at New World is $3.99. One kg of zucchini at the market was $1. So I'm definately going there next weekend instead of the supermarket for my fresh produce. They even had some weird fruits i'd never heard of. A 'bitermelon' for example. Which looked a bit like a warty cucumber. As well as that they had cupcakes, fish, lamb, jams, peanut butter and cheeses.
Not much else is going on here really. Everything has just become normal! We made a cleaning roster today too. I was on the dishes tonight. Hopefully it'll work. Because it was a little annoying this morning to try and put spreads on my toast with no knife... But that is also because we have a strange lack of knives as well as the fact that we have gotten a bit lazy over the past week.
Oh, and by the way, I'd like to come back to Palmy to see Joseph. And I do believe the 20th is an acceptable date for me.
Looking foward to it! :D
Love Erin
We went to the vege market in the weekend. There are two-one by te papa and another on willis street. I went to the Te Papa one with Vanessa. It was a decent size and mainly selling veges and fruit. I was expecting the prices to be cheaper, but they were much cheaper than I expected! For example, one kg of zucchini at New World is $3.99. One kg of zucchini at the market was $1. So I'm definately going there next weekend instead of the supermarket for my fresh produce. They even had some weird fruits i'd never heard of. A 'bitermelon' for example. Which looked a bit like a warty cucumber. As well as that they had cupcakes, fish, lamb, jams, peanut butter and cheeses.
Not much else is going on here really. Everything has just become normal! We made a cleaning roster today too. I was on the dishes tonight. Hopefully it'll work. Because it was a little annoying this morning to try and put spreads on my toast with no knife... But that is also because we have a strange lack of knives as well as the fact that we have gotten a bit lazy over the past week.
Oh, and by the way, I'd like to come back to Palmy to see Joseph. And I do believe the 20th is an acceptable date for me.
Looking foward to it! :D
Love Erin
Thursday, March 4, 2010
First week
Well, my first week is nearly over and it's been fairly good. Lots and lots of free time happening which is pretty cool! Although once I really get into things, I'm sure lots of my free time will be spent on studying...
I've signed up for all my tutorials now. I've got one on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Which means that after Wednesday bar one lecture my university weeks are pretty much over. They've started actually teaching us things in lectures now. We were learning about the history of politics in political studies, potential form in Japanese and about social policy in general in social policy. My first assignment is due on the 24th of March but it's only worth 10%. After that, I have one due for each subject just after the holidays.... Which really makes me smile... :P
I've been very busy getting everything sorted around here. Yesterday I went to BNZ to get my visa card. The guy at the bank told me I should change my account to a student one to avoid having to pay fees as well so I'll get around to that at some point. I also got my library card yesterday. It seems to be a good library but compared with Palmerston North, the fines and things are fairly expensive... One day overdue for a book is either 60 cents or a dollar. You can keep your books out for four weeks but it costs to renew them. Two dollars to reserve and almost everything that isn't a book costs to borrow. This is the public library by the way. Not the uni one or anything. So I'll have to keep track of everything I get out. Hmmm, what else? I went into cotton on to talk to Elyse and i'm now officially working there. I wasn't supposed to get put on the roster for a while but I got called in yesterday because everyone else was calling in sick. They had some new people but since I knew what to do and everything, they decided to ask me. So I worked from 2 til 8:30. Cotton On here is bigger and there is no kids. Elyse was telling me all about how wonderful it was. Just the things about how much we make and that we are one of the top 3 shops in the world atm (in terms of Cotton On, not just shops in general). Everything was very structured in there in terms of tasks and whatnot. I was on fitting room duty for an hour and then welcoming duty for two hours. Then I was on fitting room again and finally cleaning up. It might be a bit of a challenge for me not to spend all my money in there... Although to be fair i'm going to have to buy some new things to wear to work. Which I can't complain about x)
So yeah, I'm well on the way to getting my life sorted here. Wellington is very awesome! A cool city to live in. Even if the weather isn't too flash ;D
Hope everyone is well!
Lots of love,
I've signed up for all my tutorials now. I've got one on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Which means that after Wednesday bar one lecture my university weeks are pretty much over. They've started actually teaching us things in lectures now. We were learning about the history of politics in political studies, potential form in Japanese and about social policy in general in social policy. My first assignment is due on the 24th of March but it's only worth 10%. After that, I have one due for each subject just after the holidays.... Which really makes me smile... :P
I've been very busy getting everything sorted around here. Yesterday I went to BNZ to get my visa card. The guy at the bank told me I should change my account to a student one to avoid having to pay fees as well so I'll get around to that at some point. I also got my library card yesterday. It seems to be a good library but compared with Palmerston North, the fines and things are fairly expensive... One day overdue for a book is either 60 cents or a dollar. You can keep your books out for four weeks but it costs to renew them. Two dollars to reserve and almost everything that isn't a book costs to borrow. This is the public library by the way. Not the uni one or anything. So I'll have to keep track of everything I get out. Hmmm, what else? I went into cotton on to talk to Elyse and i'm now officially working there. I wasn't supposed to get put on the roster for a while but I got called in yesterday because everyone else was calling in sick. They had some new people but since I knew what to do and everything, they decided to ask me. So I worked from 2 til 8:30. Cotton On here is bigger and there is no kids. Elyse was telling me all about how wonderful it was. Just the things about how much we make and that we are one of the top 3 shops in the world atm (in terms of Cotton On, not just shops in general). Everything was very structured in there in terms of tasks and whatnot. I was on fitting room duty for an hour and then welcoming duty for two hours. Then I was on fitting room again and finally cleaning up. It might be a bit of a challenge for me not to spend all my money in there... Although to be fair i'm going to have to buy some new things to wear to work. Which I can't complain about x)
So yeah, I'm well on the way to getting my life sorted here. Wellington is very awesome! A cool city to live in. Even if the weather isn't too flash ;D
Hope everyone is well!
Lots of love,
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