It has become April.
It's good to see that you've started a blog dad! Really good to read about what's going on at home, but I'm not going to lie, i kind of just skip the sports sections... Sorry :P But your blog seems so much more exciting than mine! I have nothing exciting to talk about apart from university and assignments and tests which is not very exciting at all to be honest.
This week Ryan and I had a ridiculous Japanese test on Monday which we studied for ALL weekend. We've also been working on a drama script for Japanese. Quite often in Japanese, our Japanese teacher tells us about PhD students (because she is one herself) who require test subjects who are studying Japanese. Last year Ryan and I participated in her research, as well as another person's. Both of which just involved little tests. Today we did another for another PhD student, in which we had to do little drama skits in Japanese. They were impromptu and just on topics she picked out for us. It was a good way to practice Japanese, but Ryan spoke a lot more than I did - the situation made me a little nervous and in such situations, I find it hard to formulate sentences in English let along Japanese! Nevertheless, it was really good practice for speaking.
That's probably the most exciting thing we've done lately! Ryan has been sick for the last few days and I've been working hard to look after him. But he's feeling better this afternoon, so that's good :) Hopefully I don't get sick too!
It's getting cold in Wellington. Really cold. Even inside is cold, we might have to whip out the heater soon! :o Holidays are creeping up soon as well, but although I'm looking forward to the break from lectures, I am not looking forward to writing two 2,000 word essays worth 40 per cent each AND a book/article/ thing review in Japanese. But I am looking forward to going back to Palmy for Easter (and the holiday house, too?)
Hope everyone is OK at home :)
love erin