Finally, it's all over. No more essays, no more tests... At least not for a whole month or so.
The weekend was fabulous - had a great time with mum and Claire doing many a crafty thing (and a bit of shopping too). Thanks for your time mum and Claire! :D Sorry Ryan and I don't have anything exciting to offer like board games (or pictionary ;D ), hopefully company was sufficient. I had a really great time.

Ryan and I have spent the last few days just relaxing.
And it feels good.
Thus not much to say really, but I thought I'd post a few meals we've had that I had stored on my camera. No recipes though - they needed some fine tuning before unleashing on the world.
First, open burgers with crispy onions and cheesy meat patty

Second, mushrooms stuffed with cottage cheese, spinach and bacon, served with fried polenta squares and chunky tomato sauce.

Happy holidays (well, for me anyway ;D )!