It was deliciously fine, so I decided to take my textbooks (notice I say take, not lug; they are perfectly sized and hardly heavy, so I do not need to lug them up hills) to the Botanic Gardens and read them in the sunlight. I chose a nice seat in the sun...
Well, it looks much nicer when you sit on it anyway.
And I spent about two hours textbook reading in the sunlight. As well as watching people walk past and listening to the birds. It was a very productive hour in the end. I'd like to always do this to do my readings, but being in Wellington, I can't always trust the weather to permit me to do so. I'll just enjoy it while it lasts!
Aaaand, then I came home to cook another lovely Japanese recipe. A tofu curry.
Here's the recipe:
Ingredients (serves two)
300g tofu
150g beef
1 onion
1 carrot
4 mushrooms
a handful of beansprouts
1tsp curry powder
2 Tbsp sugar (mixed with 2 Tbsp water)
3 Tbsp sake
3 Tbsp soy sauce
3 Tbsp dashi stock (in water)
1 Tbsp tomato sauce
Basically, just cut everything up how you like it. Cook the onion in some oil, add beef. Cook. Add all the other veges and curry powder. Mix it all together so the curry powder coats everything. Add sugar (with water), sake, soy sauce, dashi and tomato stock. Cover and simmer for 5-10 minutes. And eat!
It was reeeeeally good.
Tofu is amazing.
Hey again.... 3 things, 1:way to go - would have been nice sitting in the sun studying instead of the usual, 2: is the computer time correct or have you (the early bird) posted 3 items after mignight?, 3: our Sat night Japanese dinner was great. Luv dad