Sunday, March 21, 2010

To the weekend and beyond!

Hey guys!

Really enjoyed my visit back to Palmy, even if it was just a short one. Joseph was very cool-I'm glad I decided to go and see it in the end. Although waking up early on the Friday was pretty tiring to be honest...

On Friday I went to my lecture (POLS-the green party people came to talk to us) and then Ryan and I went and talked to the dude at the head of the Japanese programme about changing papers. He basically said it was fine but the actual process involved a lot of going backwards and forwards. We got there in the end though. I had my first lecture this afternoon. I was a bit nervous because both Ryan and Stephanie (who moved up with me) were in the morning lecture so I was all by myself. It was good though. I actually felt like I was learning something rather than being bored out of my mind. I'm not sure what kind of skill level my peers are at. It seems a few of them went on exchanges. The girl sitting next to me was third year but I don't know about the rest. It'll definately be a lot harder-that's for sure. I'll probably actually have to do some studying now!

The weekend was thoroughly intense. Originally I was only working on the Saturday-12 til 8:30. But they were looking for someone to work Sunday too. And I have a bad habit of saying yes when I really shouldn't... So I worked on Sunday too-9:30 til 6:30. Saturday was alright. It was fairly busy but there were a few of us on. Let me tell you-there are some dodgy people hanging around Manners mall on a Saturday afternoon.... I'm pretty sure a group of boys who kept coming in must have been stealing things.... Sunday was really really busy-mainly because we didn't really have enough staff. Our wage percentage was only 6% and it's supposed to be around 13% normally. I was preparing to get there at nine thirty, but when nine rolled around I got a call saying I was supposed to be there. This was a bit upsetting because I was so sure the roster had said half past! So I pretty much ran all the way there. Then I got there and she said that she called the person who told the time to me and she said she did say 9:30. T_T Oh well. I got paid from nine...

So that's been my past few days. Good times.

Love Erin :)

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