Sunday, March 7, 2010

Week two

Second week of uni has begun. I have a few tutorials and whatnot starting this week. And after much resistance on my behalf, I have started studying and doing all my readings and so on. I was really not looking foward to it, but now i've started it really isn't so bad.

We went to the vege market in the weekend. There are two-one by te papa and another on willis street. I went to the Te Papa one with Vanessa. It was a decent size and mainly selling veges and fruit. I was expecting the prices to be cheaper, but they were much cheaper than I expected! For example, one kg of zucchini at New World is $3.99. One kg of zucchini at the market was $1. So I'm definately going there next weekend instead of the supermarket for my fresh produce. They even had some weird fruits i'd never heard of. A 'bitermelon' for example. Which looked a bit like a warty cucumber. As well as that they had cupcakes, fish, lamb, jams, peanut butter and cheeses.

Not much else is going on here really. Everything has just become normal! We made a cleaning roster today too. I was on the dishes tonight. Hopefully it'll work. Because it was a little annoying this morning to try and put spreads on my toast with no knife... But that is also because we have a strange lack of knives as well as the fact that we have gotten a bit lazy over the past week.

Oh, and by the way, I'd like to come back to Palmy to see Joseph. And I do believe the 20th is an acceptable date for me.

Looking foward to it! :D

Love Erin

1 comment:

  1. Yaaay!! Come and see joseph!!! :) also, oi! Email me back!
