I've never been so glad to have my exams over.
Three hours of torture. Resulting in one very sore hand but also one very happy Erin. I'll think about the results when they come.
For now it's time to par-tay!
Or in my case, lie in bed and watch movies with lots of chocolate all night long.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
bing bong
Days are ticking by at the moment. Wake up. Eat. Study. Procrastinate. Eat. Study. TV. etc etc.
Oh oh! Strawberry Fare totally has a website! Have your taste buds tantalized... http://www.strawberryfare.co.nz/welcome/ ;D If you will notice there are actually only like 4 mains. Mmmm. Dessert....
Really looking forward to getting a visit from mother dearest tomorrow~ I've been looking forward to it all week! I'll probably discuss when I'll be back home then as well. Cos I'm really looking forward to being home for a while! Although I'll probably be back and forth a little - Maja's having her party on the 3rd in Wellington and also Luca is leaving on the 28th and I want to say goodbye to him and paint him a picture cos he always comes in and admires mine.
Here are some of the sticker photos I've taken here in Wellington. Originally Ryan and I thought there was only one machine, but there are actually two. Both have their ups and downs. One is probably a little better for decoration but you have like five seconds to decorate them so it's really stressful!
Me and Ry-ry. Taken on the 2/06:
Me and Maja, taken on the 14/06:

So Claire, and Alice? We are doing that when you're down. Timezone is a bit of a dodgy place... But it's totally worth going there to do that~! Besides, it's only dodgy later on in the evening... near the weekend.
I made chili con carne last night for dinner. And it was really good too! With some spinach on the side. Yum yum chili beans (not mince, I'm saving that for another meal) on toast for breakfast this morning too. I like beans. They have a pleasing texture :)
Love Erin
Oh oh! Strawberry Fare totally has a website! Have your taste buds tantalized... http://www.strawberryfare.co.nz/welcome/ ;D If you will notice there are actually only like 4 mains. Mmmm. Dessert....
Really looking forward to getting a visit from mother dearest tomorrow~ I've been looking forward to it all week! I'll probably discuss when I'll be back home then as well. Cos I'm really looking forward to being home for a while! Although I'll probably be back and forth a little - Maja's having her party on the 3rd in Wellington and also Luca is leaving on the 28th and I want to say goodbye to him and paint him a picture cos he always comes in and admires mine.
Here are some of the sticker photos I've taken here in Wellington. Originally Ryan and I thought there was only one machine, but there are actually two. Both have their ups and downs. One is probably a little better for decoration but you have like five seconds to decorate them so it's really stressful!
Me and Ry-ry. Taken on the 2/06:
So Claire, and Alice? We are doing that when you're down. Timezone is a bit of a dodgy place... But it's totally worth going there to do that~! Besides, it's only dodgy later on in the evening... near the weekend.
I made chili con carne last night for dinner. And it was really good too! With some spinach on the side. Yum yum chili beans (not mince, I'm saving that for another meal) on toast for breakfast this morning too. I like beans. They have a pleasing texture :)
Love Erin
Friday, June 11, 2010
Strawberry affair
Sunday is here.
My weekend has been fairly fabulous so far. Lots of socialising and relaxing.
Yesterday I went to have coffee with Momo (Ryan's Japanese language buddy) and I had a really good time too. At first we spoke mainly in English but then she started talking a bit in Japanese - she knows that my listening is quite good - and I even managed to pluck up the courage to speak a bit of Japanese with her. We went to that supermarket you told me about a while ago grandma, Moore Wilsons. It was really big and there were heaps of things there quite a few Japanese goods too, cheaper than other Asian shops but still expensive in the scheme of things. But I guess that can't be helped. She also lent me a Japanese magazine of hers.
Yesterday was Vanessa's birthday! Her sister is visiting at the moment. It was a surprise visit and Vanessa knew nothing about it. She was pretty stoked when she showed up. I think her sister is 24, and I'm not entirely sure, but she might be a teacher. Anyway, we went out for dessert as a celebration. I have been introduced to the best place for dessert in the world... It's called Strawberry Fare and is like a normal restaurant. There is one page for mains and starters and then two whole pages just of desserts. The selection is amazing! We all shared ours because they are quite large and about $16-20 each. I got a banoffee pie with Helen. It was amazing~

Basically, it was a very magical place :)
My weekend has been fairly fabulous so far. Lots of socialising and relaxing.
Yesterday I went to have coffee with Momo (Ryan's Japanese language buddy) and I had a really good time too. At first we spoke mainly in English but then she started talking a bit in Japanese - she knows that my listening is quite good - and I even managed to pluck up the courage to speak a bit of Japanese with her. We went to that supermarket you told me about a while ago grandma, Moore Wilsons. It was really big and there were heaps of things there quite a few Japanese goods too, cheaper than other Asian shops but still expensive in the scheme of things. But I guess that can't be helped. She also lent me a Japanese magazine of hers.
Yesterday was Vanessa's birthday! Her sister is visiting at the moment. It was a surprise visit and Vanessa knew nothing about it. She was pretty stoked when she showed up. I think her sister is 24, and I'm not entirely sure, but she might be a teacher. Anyway, we went out for dessert as a celebration. I have been introduced to the best place for dessert in the world... It's called Strawberry Fare and is like a normal restaurant. There is one page for mains and starters and then two whole pages just of desserts. The selection is amazing! We all shared ours because they are quite large and about $16-20 each. I got a banoffee pie with Helen. It was amazing~
This is the one I had:
Basically, it was a very magical place :)
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Blog makeover
I gave my blog a makeover. I think it gives off a much more chocolate-y vibe now, don't you?
I had my first exam today. It was Social Policy. Two hours to answer three questions of our choice out of a total of ten options. We were told the theme of each question so we could study for them. This exam was a bit of an oddity for me. First of all, I'm used to going into exams being completely nervous but fairly prepared and then getting thrown off by questions and coming out without much confidence. I went into this exam knowing that I probably could've done some more study (I've been having a lot of trouble concentrating and retaining information this week :/ Truth be told, I've been a fair bit upset with Ryan going and my wallet disappearing and everything). But despite that, I was very calm. Feeling more like I just wanted to get the damn exam over and done with. And it went really well! :) The questions weren't anything like I'd practiced, but I feel like I answered them well and everything. So despite being in a state of prolonged depression all this week, strangely, all it took to cheer me up was an exam! Haha, the way life works baffles me...
So now i'm one exam down, one more to go! And i've got aaaages to study for that one too!
Love Erin
I had my first exam today. It was Social Policy. Two hours to answer three questions of our choice out of a total of ten options. We were told the theme of each question so we could study for them. This exam was a bit of an oddity for me. First of all, I'm used to going into exams being completely nervous but fairly prepared and then getting thrown off by questions and coming out without much confidence. I went into this exam knowing that I probably could've done some more study (I've been having a lot of trouble concentrating and retaining information this week :/ Truth be told, I've been a fair bit upset with Ryan going and my wallet disappearing and everything). But despite that, I was very calm. Feeling more like I just wanted to get the damn exam over and done with. And it went really well! :) The questions weren't anything like I'd practiced, but I feel like I answered them well and everything. So despite being in a state of prolonged depression all this week, strangely, all it took to cheer me up was an exam! Haha, the way life works baffles me...
So now i'm one exam down, one more to go! And i've got aaaages to study for that one too!
Love Erin
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Chronicles of the lost wallet
Today was the day I needed to do something about my wallet that has mysteriously disappeared. I need my ID card for tomorrow's exam after all. I walked up to the uni to ask them what I ought to do. The person at the info desk said I needed some form of ID which of course I don't have since it's all in my wallet. And I don't have my passport. I went to the enrollment desk then and asked about getting a new ID card. She said I had to pay 20 dollars to get a new one. I asked if I could put it on my vic account or something, but no, I had to pay right there and then. Very helpful when you have no wallet and hence no money... So I walked back and turned my room upside down as a final check. All I found was an orange (bleh!) lollipop... So I borrowed $20 from Vanessa and walked back to the uni and got a new ID card. They even gave me the option of taking a new photo to replace the old, rather scary one. But I really wasn't in the mood so I just got the same photo. Then Ryan's mother rang me and said she'd looked everywhere and rang a few places but hadn't seen it. So I decided that that was that and I went and cancelled my eftpos cards. My new ID came in handy :)
So that took a while. When I could have been studying...
But I guess it's all sorted now at least.
Umm, I made a new recipe today for lunch which was very scrummy for an apple lover like me as well as being a groovy new pancake recipe! :)
Apple Pancakes
1/2 cup self-raising flour
2 Tbsp caster sugar
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 egg, lightly whisked
1/3 cup milk
2 apples, peeled, grated
1. Combine flour, sugar and cinnamon in a bowl. Add egg and milk. Whisk until smooth. Stir in apples.
2. Cook in butter til bubbles appear on surface, then flip.
They're really good :) In fact, the apples I used were so sweet that I didn't need any maple syrup or anything. They worked nicely just with some butter on top.

I've never liked apples more :)
Love Erin
So that took a while. When I could have been studying...
But I guess it's all sorted now at least.
Umm, I made a new recipe today for lunch which was very scrummy for an apple lover like me as well as being a groovy new pancake recipe! :)
Apple Pancakes
1/2 cup self-raising flour
2 Tbsp caster sugar
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 egg, lightly whisked
1/3 cup milk
2 apples, peeled, grated
1. Combine flour, sugar and cinnamon in a bowl. Add egg and milk. Whisk until smooth. Stir in apples.
2. Cook in butter til bubbles appear on surface, then flip.
They're really good :) In fact, the apples I used were so sweet that I didn't need any maple syrup or anything. They worked nicely just with some butter on top.

I've never liked apples more :)
Love Erin
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Substitute boyfriend
This is now my substitute boyfriend. At least until Ryan gets his internet/means of contact up and running :P
Still no sign of my wallet. I'm a little worried. I went up to get my last SPOL assignment back yesterday, despite no wallet and thus no ID card. I looked at the person behind the desk with puppy dog eyes and said I had lost my wallet. She totally caved. But I actually think she just felt rather sorry for me. Luckily, I had written down my ID number on my hand before because I am yet to know it off by heart and was able to tell it to her when she asked. Must have looked mighty dodgy though... And she also reminded me that we need our ID cards for the exams. I don't know what I'll do about that... Hopefully it'll turn up, but I don't remember seeing it when I unpacked my stuff. Perhaps I left it at Ryan's house. My fingers are crossed for that scenario anyway. Oh, and for that assignment I got an A+ :) That made my day (which was going pretty badly) a little brighter. I wasn't even phased by the hail (yes, HAIL) on top of the RAIN and WIND while I was walking home ^^;
And another note, which most people are not going to find interesting at all. I went to bed last night at about 8:30 last night because I was so tired. I was so tired, in fact that I was able to fall asleep at such an early hour, which is a very rare occasion for me. But then I suddenly woke up at 12:30 and couldn't get back to sleep. So I played pokemon. And (yes, no one is going to know what I'm on about from here but I just can't help myself, it's a very exciting occasion!!! :D) I found a shiny. For those of you who don't play pokemon, a shiny is a pokemon that is a slightly different colour to the original. Here is an example of the one I caught:

And since there is like a 1 in 9000 chance of seeing a shiny each time you see a wild pokemon, you can imagine I was rather ecstatic.
Last night for dinner I made an omelette. But no ordinary omelette, one with creamed corn in the egg part. And it was surprisingly good too!
Here is the recipe:
For the omelette
2 eggs
Tbsp Milk
1/4 can of creamed corn
Salt and pepper
For the other
A bunch of spinach
Basically just make the omelette like you would any, just mix in the corn with the rest of the stuff. I just fried the spinach and mushrooms and put them on top. With Japanese mayo... Mine is nearly all gone! Which is a little worrying.

Still no sign of my wallet. I'm a little worried. I went up to get my last SPOL assignment back yesterday, despite no wallet and thus no ID card. I looked at the person behind the desk with puppy dog eyes and said I had lost my wallet. She totally caved. But I actually think she just felt rather sorry for me. Luckily, I had written down my ID number on my hand before because I am yet to know it off by heart and was able to tell it to her when she asked. Must have looked mighty dodgy though... And she also reminded me that we need our ID cards for the exams. I don't know what I'll do about that... Hopefully it'll turn up, but I don't remember seeing it when I unpacked my stuff. Perhaps I left it at Ryan's house. My fingers are crossed for that scenario anyway. Oh, and for that assignment I got an A+ :) That made my day (which was going pretty badly) a little brighter. I wasn't even phased by the hail (yes, HAIL) on top of the RAIN and WIND while I was walking home ^^;
And another note, which most people are not going to find interesting at all. I went to bed last night at about 8:30 last night because I was so tired. I was so tired, in fact that I was able to fall asleep at such an early hour, which is a very rare occasion for me. But then I suddenly woke up at 12:30 and couldn't get back to sleep. So I played pokemon. And (yes, no one is going to know what I'm on about from here but I just can't help myself, it's a very exciting occasion!!! :D) I found a shiny. For those of you who don't play pokemon, a shiny is a pokemon that is a slightly different colour to the original. Here is an example of the one I caught:


And since there is like a 1 in 9000 chance of seeing a shiny each time you see a wild pokemon, you can imagine I was rather ecstatic.
Last night for dinner I made an omelette. But no ordinary omelette, one with creamed corn in the egg part. And it was surprisingly good too!
Here is the recipe:
For the omelette
2 eggs
Tbsp Milk
1/4 can of creamed corn
Salt and pepper
For the other
A bunch of spinach
Basically just make the omelette like you would any, just mix in the corn with the rest of the stuff. I just fried the spinach and mushrooms and put them on top. With Japanese mayo... Mine is nearly all gone! Which is a little worrying.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Thanks for dinner on Sunday night! It was good to see everyone :) Sorry I wasn't home much over the weekend, but as you know, Ryan was due to leave. He was off safely this morning at 6:30 (meaning we had to wake up before 5... T_T) and as far as I know, he made it safely from Auckland onto his flight. I think his mum was a bit worried. And so was he actually. But he's the type of person who isn't worried about asking for help, so I know he'll be fine.
So now I'm abandoned for 6 weeks!
I'm looking forward to having my exams over and done with though and having a nice break after that. As you know, I'll probably just be home for most of that break, but I'd like it if Claire and I could spend a night or two here as well.
Let me know if you've decided to come down and visit before then though! I'm looking forward to that.
Love Erin
So now I'm abandoned for 6 weeks!
I'm looking forward to having my exams over and done with though and having a nice break after that. As you know, I'll probably just be home for most of that break, but I'd like it if Claire and I could spend a night or two here as well.
Let me know if you've decided to come down and visit before then though! I'm looking forward to that.
Love Erin
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Feeding Frenzy
Every now and then, I have what I can only describe as a 'feeding frenzy.' Basically, it's when I just eat and eat (most probably sweet things eg. chocolate) and can't stop. I actually have to force myself away from the food or I'll eat until I feel sick.
June 2nd 2010
9:34 PM
A feeding frenzy hit me.
In the kitchen, making truffles for my Japanese teacher as it is our last lecture tomorrow and she is quite frankly awesome. Melting chocolate. Things get dangerous.
I'll pop a chocolate button in my mouth. Then another. Then another. Then I find myself eating half of the chocolate I melt rather than putting it on the truffles...
It's a good thing I bought a big bag...
You guys might all think I eat nothing. You are SO wrong...
Another example is when I had a cake in my room from Ryan. One morning after breakfast I went into the container and pulled a bite-sized piece off to enjoy. Then another, then another.... I ended up eating all the icing off that cake, as well as a good chunk of it that morning. I had to literally tear myself away!
Great habit this is.
Good for my health too, I'm sure.
Perhaps I should keep carrots rather than cake and chocolate.
Like that'll ever happen :P
June 2nd 2010
9:34 PM
A feeding frenzy hit me.
In the kitchen, making truffles for my Japanese teacher as it is our last lecture tomorrow and she is quite frankly awesome. Melting chocolate. Things get dangerous.
It's a good thing I bought a big bag...
You guys might all think I eat nothing. You are SO wrong...
Another example is when I had a cake in my room from Ryan. One morning after breakfast I went into the container and pulled a bite-sized piece off to enjoy. Then another, then another.... I ended up eating all the icing off that cake, as well as a good chunk of it that morning. I had to literally tear myself away!
Great habit this is.
Good for my health too, I'm sure.
Perhaps I should keep carrots rather than cake and chocolate.
Like that'll ever happen :P
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Thanks for an awesome weekend everyone!
Especially to Alice for her hospitality :)
And special shout out to mum on her birthday! :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Been thinking of you all day. I hope that Claire and father made you something delightful for your breakfast?
Life's all good. Just been learning all about my exams this week.
The SPOL exam is only two hours. It contains 10 questions to choose from, of which we were given the 10 topics they would be on. We have to answer 3 questions. So, not too bad :)
The POLS exam is three hours. There are 23 questions to choose from but we have to answer FIVE. T_T Luckily, our lecturers practically told us what each of the questions would be, so I pretty much just need to choose five topics and then study for them. Not too bad either, I guess.
Today I went to see the Movie 'The Prince of Persia' with Maja. Tuesday in Wellington is cheap day too: it was $10.80. The movie was really good I thought. Maybe a little predictable, but it had lots of epic action to keep me entertained. It's based on a game, Ryan tells me.
Today I saw a dude walk by me with no shoes.
In town.
At night.
In the rain.
He must've had some tough feet! :)
Love Erin
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