Thanks for an awesome weekend everyone!
Especially to Alice for her hospitality :)
And special shout out to mum on her birthday! :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Been thinking of you all day. I hope that Claire and father made you something delightful for your breakfast?
Life's all good. Just been learning all about my exams this week.
The SPOL exam is only two hours. It contains 10 questions to choose from, of which we were given the 10 topics they would be on. We have to answer 3 questions. So, not too bad :)
The POLS exam is three hours. There are 23 questions to choose from but we have to answer FIVE. T_T Luckily, our lecturers practically told us what each of the questions would be, so I pretty much just need to choose five topics and then study for them. Not too bad either, I guess.
Today I went to see the Movie 'The Prince of Persia' with Maja. Tuesday in Wellington is cheap day too: it was $10.80. The movie was really good I thought. Maybe a little predictable, but it had lots of epic action to keep me entertained. It's based on a game, Ryan tells me.
Today I saw a dude walk by me with no shoes.
In town.
At night.
In the rain.
He must've had some tough feet! :)
Love Erin
We enjoyed your company too, I hear Alice is unwell this week. Luv Dad...