Still no sign of my wallet. I'm a little worried. I went up to get my last SPOL assignment back yesterday, despite no wallet and thus no ID card. I looked at the person behind the desk with puppy dog eyes and said I had lost my wallet. She totally caved. But I actually think she just felt rather sorry for me. Luckily, I had written down my ID number on my hand before because I am yet to know it off by heart and was able to tell it to her when she asked. Must have looked mighty dodgy though... And she also reminded me that we need our ID cards for the exams. I don't know what I'll do about that... Hopefully it'll turn up, but I don't remember seeing it when I unpacked my stuff. Perhaps I left it at Ryan's house. My fingers are crossed for that scenario anyway. Oh, and for that assignment I got an A+ :) That made my day (which was going pretty badly) a little brighter. I wasn't even phased by the hail (yes, HAIL) on top of the RAIN and WIND while I was walking home ^^;
And another note, which most people are not going to find interesting at all. I went to bed last night at about 8:30 last night because I was so tired. I was so tired, in fact that I was able to fall asleep at such an early hour, which is a very rare occasion for me. But then I suddenly woke up at 12:30 and couldn't get back to sleep. So I played pokemon. And (yes, no one is going to know what I'm on about from here but I just can't help myself, it's a very exciting occasion!!! :D) I found a shiny. For those of you who don't play pokemon, a shiny is a pokemon that is a slightly different colour to the original. Here is an example of the one I caught:


And since there is like a 1 in 9000 chance of seeing a shiny each time you see a wild pokemon, you can imagine I was rather ecstatic.
Last night for dinner I made an omelette. But no ordinary omelette, one with creamed corn in the egg part. And it was surprisingly good too!
Here is the recipe:
For the omelette
2 eggs
Tbsp Milk
1/4 can of creamed corn
Salt and pepper
For the other
A bunch of spinach
Basically just make the omelette like you would any, just mix in the corn with the rest of the stuff. I just fried the spinach and mushrooms and put them on top. With Japanese mayo... Mine is nearly all gone! Which is a little worrying.
Don't panic if you haven't found it by tomorrow for your exam. They have a form for that very problem so tell the supervisors in the exam. Do you have any other form of photo ID?If so take it with you.
ReplyDeleteHaha, i can be your substitute boyfriend ^_^ OMG! I am sure that is the seecond shiny pokemon you have! Why do you have such luck! Or maybe tis just the fact you play it so very much :)